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Planning Board Minutes 07/01/04

Minutes of the July 1, 2004 meeting

Members present:

Bob Edwards                     Spencer Garrett         Mike Oldershaw  Ed Rowehl                       Dan Valley

Members absent:

        Fred Anderson           Scott Burnside                  Bob Bethel                      
Public attendees:

        Nancy Baker                     Jon Buschbaum           Geraldine Rabideau
        Alexander Snow          Amy Zaluki-Stone                Robert Holmes
        Tom Mangieri                    Gregg Perry                     Steve Reddy, LLC
        James Clark                     Jen Mangieri

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by designating Mr. Edwards to sit for Mr. Anderson and by introducing the Board members. The continuation of the public hearings for Mr. Boucher and Mr. Proctor were both continued again until August 5, 2004 because the applicants were not prepared to supply the additional information requested by the Board. The next order of business was the continuation of the public hearing on the request by Jon C. Buschbaum for a major site plan review under Article V par. B.1.ll to conduct a light manufacturing business which would be located on the south side of Route 9, Antrim, NH 03440, Tax Map 8D, Lot 3 in the Highway Business District. The applicant proposes to manufacture forest products such as logs, pulp and firewood.

The secretary reported that Mr. Buschbaum had called and offered to limit his hours of operation from 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday and would not operate on Saturdays or Sundays. Mr. Buschbaum also offered to limit the number of logging trucks entering and exiting the property to three per day and only during operating hours. The secretary presented material from the saw manufacturer indicating that the noise level of the saw at the operator’s position was 92 decibels. On the range of 0 decibels for a whisper to 150 decibels for a gunshot or firecracker, the saw would generate noise equivalent to that of a power lawnmower. The manufacturer states that the noise level of the saw at a distance of 100 feet would be 42 decibels. Mr. Buschbaum proposes to enclose the saw within a walled building thus the noise level at the 100 foot distance would be less then the 42 decibels which falls between a whisper and a normal conversation. The Board then reviewed the checklist for a major site plan review and requested that Mr. Buschbaum provide the following information:

A vicinity sketch on the plot plan showing the location of the site in relation to the surrounding public street system
The classification of Range Road on the plot plan (The secretary will assist in determining)
Location of the parking area on the plot plan
Delineation of the wetlands on the plot plan by a certified wetland or soil scientist
A notation on the plot plan that 100% of the property line set backs be maintained as green space
A proposal detailing the procedure for the spraying of logs which are being stored

The Board then discussed the application and considered a number of conditions that might be applied to any approval. Some items to be considered were:

Acceptance of hours of operation offered by Mr. Buschbaum
Acceptance of number of logging trucks per day offered by Mr. Buschbaum
Require a copy of the State registration before approval
Limit operation to one band saw
Stipulate that the addition of wood processing equipment would require an application to the planning board for expansion
Require that the saw only be operated in an enclosed building
Stipulate that 100% of property line set backs as shown on the plot plan  be kept as green space
Stipulate that all activity occurs within the area designated on the plot plan.
Require annual inspections by the Fire Chief
The site is not to become operational until a certificate of occupancy is issued by the building inspector

Ms. Zaluki-Stone asked if the board was considering the effect that such an operation would have on the value of the surrounding real estate. She felt that the board should consult real estate appraisers for their opinion. Mr. Oldershaw admitted that there could well be an impact on real estate values but light manufacturing was a permitted use in the Highway Business District. He indicated that the board could alleviate the impact on real estate values by taking into consideration abutters concerns regarding noise levels, hours of operation and similar worries. Ms. Zaluki-Stone was also concerned that the board was not requiring a bond. Mr. Oldershaw indicated that there were no aspects of the project that would require bonding. Mr. Perry asked if there was a decibel rating for the saw with a blade in it and if the saw would be located in a building. The secretary said he did not have information regarding noise with a blade in the saw but that Mr. Buschbaum proposes to locate the saw in a fully enclosed building.

The next step in the review process will be to conduct a site review. Mr. Buschbaum will be returning from vacation on July 22nd. At that time Mr. Oldershaw will set up the site review. Mr. Rowehl continued the public hearing to August 5, 2004.

Mr. Rowehl proceeded with the continuation of the public hearing for Mr. Harriman. Neither Mr. Harriman nor his representative, Mr. Palmer were present so Mr. Rowehl continued the public hearing until July 15, 2004.

The next order of business was a public hearing on the request of Public Service Co. of New Hampshire to remove and trim trees underneath its roadside distribution lines along scenic roads in the Town of Antrim. Mr. Crane, Arborist for PSNH indicated that the work to be done was the normal maintenance along power lines. They have changed contractors and are now using Asplundh. Mr. Oldershaw indicated that there was a dead pine at the corner of his driveway and Elm Ave. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Oldershaw moved to grant permission to PSNH to conduct the work as outlined in their letter dated June 3, 2004. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion that was passed.

Mr. Clark presented a conceptual proposal describing his plans to combine two lots into one and then to subdivide the combined property into four lots. After some discuss, it was the consensus of the board that the logical way to approach the subdivision would be to first obtain a lot line adjustment between the two existing parcels and then to subdivide each of the two parcels into two more parcels. The members felt that the annexation and two applications for minor subdivisions could all be handled in one process. It was decided that the secretary would contact the surveyor for Mr. Clark and explain the procedure to be followed.

The secretary reported that he had had a conversation with Ms. Rosario of T/C Storage regarding requirements for their storage facility that had not been met. She indicated that the conduit for the phone was in place but installation was pending PSNH putting in a power line. She said she would send along a copy of the contract that specified the handling of hazardous waste. Mr. Oldershaw moved to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2004 meeting. Mr. Valley seconded the motion that was passed.

The secretary presented a memo regarding the status of the Weston/Zimmerman excavation site. He was instructed to advise Mr. Zimmerman that he still needs to obtain a permit and file a reclamation plan. Mr. Garrett agreed to get together with the secretary to review the procedure to be followed to inspect existing excavation sites for operating and reclamation standards. The secretary pointed out that Mr. Gross and Mr. Jones had not yet submitted reclamation plans and that their temporary permits expired July 1, 2004. He was instructed to notify the parties that their permits would be extended until September 1, 2004; however that they were required to submit their plans for reclamation or run the risk of loosing their permitted status.

A capital improvement plan for the Antrim Recycling and Transfer station was reviewed and approved for submittal to the selectmen.

The board then discussed the matter of reclassification of roads from Class VI to Class V as it related to the subdivision proposed by the Laubers. It is Town Counsels opinion that the selectmen have the authority to alter or layout town roads upon petition and a warrant article at town meeting is not required. Mr. Oldershaw felt that this advice was faulty. He asked the secretary to meet with the selectmen at their next meeting to help resolve the matter of reclassification.

A memo from the code enforcement officer regarding code violations by Mr. Morton for unregistered vehicles was presented. The members also discussed the fact the Chuck’s Auto was displaying cars for sale beyond the area permitted in the approved application. Mr. Garrett pointed out that a condition of the approval was the construction of a fence to shield “parts cars” and equipment. It was decided that the secretary should review the conditions of approval and advise the code enforcement officer of any noncompliance.

The board then discussed the matter of cluster housing. The secretary presented an ordinance adopted by the town of New Ipswich. The board decided that they would review the ordinance and discuss the possibility of modifying it to meet the requirements of the Town of Antrim at the next meeting.

There being no new business from the floor, Mr. Edwards moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Garrett and passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board